Why are Telehandlers Sometimes Better Than Forklifts on Construction Sites?

If you regularly work on construction sites, then chances are good that you have experience with using forklifts. As you might already realize from your own experiences, forklifts can be incredibly useful on construction sites of all different types. However, there is another type of equipment that is pretty similar to the forklift but that can actually be even more useful: a telehandler. You can rent a telehandler for your next construction job and try it out. When you do, chances are good that you will like it even more than the average forklift for these reasons and more.

You Can Use Multiple Different Attachments

One downside that goes along with using a forklift is the fact that you can only use it with forks. Although you can do a lot of heavy lifting and other things with these forks, this does prevent the forklift from being as durable as some types of construction equipment.

With a telehandler, however, you aren't just restricted to using forks. Although you can put forks on a telehandler so that you can use it much like you would use a forklift, you can add other attachments and use the telehandler in other ways, too. For example, you can add everything from a sweeper to a bucket to a crane attachment. This eliminates the need to have multiple different pieces of equipment on the job site since you can use just one piece of equipment for many different jobs. It also helps you increase your capabilities when you're working on a construction site, so you can offer more services for your clients. This helps with keeping clients happy, growing your business, and increasing your profits. Of course, you will need to rent or buy these necessary attachments so that you can get full use out of the telehandler.

You Can Handle Heavier Loads

Although you can use a forklift to lift heavy loads, you do have some limits. If you are going to be working with really heavy materials, then you might find that a telehandler is an even better choice. After all, telehandlers are usually able to handle more weight. And if a telehandler can manage a heavier load, it likely means you need fewer trips to get the job done. Just make sure that you check the weight restrictions for the telehandler that you are renting or buying since some models are capable of handling heavier loads than others. 

406 Words

About Me

Are you wondering what you need to hire? Are you involved in a building project but confused about exactly what equipment you need to hire to carry out the work? Sometimes the world of heavy construction equipment can be bewildering. There are so many types of heavy equipment and each one of them has slightly different capabilities. If you know that you need work done but aren’t sure what equipment you should hire to do it then this website can help. Here you will find helpful articles explaining the capabilities of all types of heavy construction equipment and telling you everything you need to know before arranging machinery hire.



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